Category Archives: Grammar



·        Er weiß es, aber er sagt es mir nicht.      
·        He knows but doesn’t tell me.

·        Ich liebe ihn, aber er hat kein Geld.       
·        I love him but he doesn’t have any money.

·        Er ist reich, aber krank.     
·        He is rich but ill.

·        Er hat kein Geld, aber er ist glücklich.   
·        He doesn’t have money but he is happy.

Separable or Inseparable Verbs

The verbs with the following prefixes can be either separable or inseparable:
durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter-
1.    Some verbs with these prefixes are always separable.
umschauen – er schaut sich um
2.    Some other verbs with these prefixes are never separable.
umarmen – sie umarmt ihn
3.    There are however some verbs with can be either separable or inseparable with these prefixes. In this case, the separable verb and the inseparable verb have two different meanings.
umfahren – Er fährt das Schild um. – Er umfährt das Schild.

Inseparable Verbs

The verbs with the following prefixes are inseparable:
be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, zer-
1.    These prefixes remain a permanent part of the verb, even in the finite form.
Ich bestehe die Prüfung.

2.    We form the past participle without adding ge.
Ich habe die Prüfung bestanden.

Separable Verbs

The verbs with the following prefixes are separable:
1.    In the finite form, these verbs are separated from their prefix, which usually comes at the end of the sentence.

Ich stehe an der Kasse an.
2.    In the past participle, we add ge between the prefix and the verb.

Ich habe an der Kasse angestanden.